Adelaide On-Site Towbar Fitting

I had a towbar fitted to my car a while ago. After ringing around, I settled on Adelaide On-Site Towbar Fitting, a mobile come to you company. Mistake. There is nothing worse when you pay a professional to do a job and then you find out they have wired your car wrong. Go to pick up a new trailer about 40km away and as soon as you plug it in and push the brakes, the fuse blows.

Luckily a little electrical knowledge found the problem where Adelaide On-Site Towbar Fitting had wired the brake (red wire) and the earth (white wire) the wrong way around.

So how would you go if it was you? Do you have the knowledge to figure it out on the road side?

The company I’m talking about is Adelaide On-Site Towbar Fitting with the slogan We Come To You  Towbars. They are located at 91 Philip Hwy, Elizabeth South, SA , 5112, Australia. Their phone numbers are Ph: (08) 8235 2977, Other: 0418 817 025, Mobile: 0418 817 025 and they have an AH Contact of (08) 8287 3992.

Handy as they come to you to fit the towbar. Price is the same as taking your car somewhere. Quality, well..

I just don’t understand why they don’t test there work.