Hi all. Came across this video on YouTube the other day discussing what the blood type terminology is. Is it type O or is it type zero? Have a look for yourself.
As you saw in the video, the correct term is type zero. Well done HotForWords.
Hi all. Came across this video on YouTube the other day discussing what the blood type terminology is. Is it type O or is it type zero? Have a look for yourself.
As you saw in the video, the correct term is type zero. Well done HotForWords.
Every now and then you come across a video of someone famous doing something that makes you realise that they are just people like you and me. Here is one of Andrea Corr sitting next to her brother Jim who’s doing all the talking on an interview. Andrea looks like normal Andrea, just looking around and up comes the hand and she starts sucking her thumb. Then realises what she’s doing, pulls it away and gives the camera an embarrassed smile.
I’m not sure when this interview was or where but it looks a few years old.
But by all reports, it’s not something she worries about to much as she’s quoted to say “Also, sucking my thumb comforts me. It helps me fall asleep. If I get tired, the first thing I do is put my thumb in my mouth. But I don’t think it’s because I’m insecure. It’s just very comforting and I love it. I can’t give it up.”
As bandwidth is increasing on the internet, it’s changing the way normal people all over the world watch “TV”. No longer are you controlled what you can watch or when you can watch it. Now you pick your content and when you watch it. Not only is this change significant for viewers, it also opens up doors for the avergage joe to start creating content.
This video here is one that I found through Kaitlin Hill (TheHill88) where Tom Green has set up a home studio in his lounge room and boadcasts a regular show over the internet. He has guests that traditionally would only be seen on “normal” television. This episode has Weired al Yankovic and pro skater, Mike Vallely. Their also on line with Don Sibly via the Internet from Sydney where Don’s grabbed his laptop and a crew and gone onto the streets of Sydney to do some comedy and some interviews.
24 hours on YouTube and it’s had 1.5 million views, 1,250 comments and 760 people added it to thier favourites. What is it? Well it’s Faith Hill showing her true colours when she doesn’t win the award for Female Vocalist of the Year.
Some of the comments include:
She grew an ego. that is her problem (elegantblue)
She wan’t yelling “what” you idiots. I’m a skilled lip reader. She was actually yelling, “I’m a no talent [*****] whose songs all sound the same.” (CountryShaft)
The Paris Hilton of country music got caught. ROTFL (luxetveritas27)