
  • Target out of stock of 3 arm mens jumpers from catalogue

    Target out of stock of 3 arm mens jumpers from catalogue

    Target’s latest catalogue has an advertisement on thier front page with a picture of a son, mother, father and daugter all wearing what looks like very comfortable fleece jumpers. The mens one is interesting as it’s got 3 arms, 2 right arms (one on the wifes shoulder and the other between the wife and himself) with his left arm holding his daughter.


    Target catalogue with 3 arm mens fleece jumpers
    Target catalogue with 3 arm mens fleece jumpers

    Anyway, I’ve called a few stores to see if they have any in stock.  I haven’t been able to find a store that stocks them yet :)  Let me know if you find one!  I really want a 3 arm jumper.

  • Should we get a 13 or 1300 number?

    These numbers are a good idea and have some advantages. For example, you can have the same number with different locations and depending on the caller, it will route to the closest branch.

    BUT the world is changing. More and more people are starting to use the Internet for their phone calls because of cost. Example: we changed from normal Telstra landline to Engin VoIP and our bill went from about $100/month to about $20/month.

    Two problems arise with the 13 and 1300 number system then.

    1. The 13 or 1300 phone system no longer knows where the caller is. When we first got the system, I would call a cab using 13 number and ended up talking to Sydney (I’m in Adelaide).
    2. The most annoying for me, it costs money to call a 13 or 1300 number and the call cost is comparably high! They also show up on the bill as expensive calls, so people soon start to become more aware. (Most move to VoIP to save money).

    So the tip: If you’re going to do 13 or 1300 numbers, make sure you also publish the traditional landline numbers so you don’t annoy your customers. Give them the choice!

    You want to make it as easy and convenient for customers to call you. Not annoy them I’m sure.

  • – Gumtree / Paypal buyer scam

    We’re selling our Ford Focus on Gumtree and got an SMS which we replied to as requested.

    NOTE: Didn’t check the phone number the SMS came from. It was +16786617688. Obviously not an Australian phone number which for anyone reading this, is the first hint that they are about to get a scammer trying them.

    SMS Message from +16786617688:

    Is the car still available for sale and whats your final price email me my battery is flat so we can talk better  – Sent from iPhone4

    So sent the reply via email

    On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:27 PM, name_removed <mailto:address_removed> wrote:

    Hi Robert, just organising some pics for you


    From: Robert Warner [] Sent: Thursday, 15 March 2012 3:58 PM To: Name_Removed Subject: Re: ford focus

    May i know your asking price please?


    On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:33 PM, name_removed <mailto:address_removed> wrote:

    As advertised at $7000  , if you wish to negotiate would like it to be done in person

    and recieved

    From: Robert Warner []
    Sent: Thursday, 15 March 2012 4:14 PM
    To: name_removed
    Subject:Re: ford focus
    Thank you for the message, i will take it for that amount since i am interested in the purchase for my daughter who just moved to Malaysia where this is needed and due to my inability to walk i will be making use of a shipping company to have this picked up from you and have it delivered to her. Further arrangements will be made with you in regards to the pick up once i have paid you.
    I would appreciate if you email me with more pictures (if available) too since i won’t be be able to see this in person, what’s the Paypal email to send funds to in order for me to pay you.


    If your wondering, no we stopped responding to Robert at this point as it became very obvious very quickly that it’s a scam. But did want to post it on-line so when someone google’s Roberts email or any part, hopefully they will see Robert does this a lot. Well I say Robert, we all know he’s not using his real name.
    Detail summary of the scammer:

    The phone number comes up at with the following:

    • CIDLookup for 678-661-7688
    • Current Telephone Company: Wireless – Syniverse
    • Original Telephone Company: Charter Fiberlink “Georgia Llc“ Ga
    • Original Telephone Company Type: Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC)
    • Estimated City: Bogart
    • Estimated Region: Georgia
    • Estimated Postal Code: 30622
    • Equipment Location Code: ATHNGAIJCM1

    Another scammer email – from the same number.

    We recieved a few messages from the same phone number just with different email addresses, but same text.

    For those interested in learning what sort of thing happens next (ie you send him the paypal email) one of a few things happen, but the most common can be read about at or

  • Update site to WordPress

    The old PHP Nuke site was running tired, hard to update and add to. So move across to WordPress which was not to difficult a migration to complete including all the post data from the old Nuke site. All up about 10 hours work.

    The next few weeks will be doing minor tweaks with the way things look and work. If you can’t find something, from the old site, please use the search as it is here (with the exception of the downloads section which I’ve turned off).


  • Roadtrip to Queensland Oct 2011

    Roadtrip to Queensland Oct 2011

    We’re off on a roadtrip to Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria over the next few weeks. You can follow our adventures including live GPS tracking at my travellog blog

    Roadtrip 2011
    Our planned route for this trip
  • DIY Rudder Pedal USB controller interface

    Coming soon.

    Rudder pedal controller using USB (part number 204-TV-B). This board will interface your home made DIY Rudder Pedals to Flight Simulator using USB. It’s inputs will be 3 x 10k ohm pots, one for the rudder and one each for the left and right toe brakes which connect with provided Molex connectors. USB is via a B type connector which also provides the required power for the interface board.
    The prototype board is about 52mm (2inch) x 35mm (1.4inch) x aprox 20mm (0.8inch) high with the Rudder/Toe brake connectors connected. It will be available pre-built and tested with or without pots. It uses the standard Human Interface Device (HID) USB specifications for a Rudder Pedal Control meaning it should work on any operating system using this specification (Windows, Linux and MAC).

    Prototype USB Rudder Pedal Controller
    Prototype USB Rudder Pedal Controller
  • Affiliates and Friends links

    Association of Trevs in Australia
    Description: If your a Trevor, and you live in Australia, you probably will be interested in this site. It’s there for you, a Trevor in Australia.
    Added on: 21-Oct-2006

    Cheffing Around
    Description: Cheffing Around, based in Adelaide South Australia is a contract chef organisation providing chef’s to restaurants, hotels, corporations, businesses, and to the individual if required. With only the best chef’s in Adelaide, you can be assured you’re clients will enjoy the experience.
    Cheffing Around
    Added on: 06-Aug-2007

    Dirk Anthony
    Description: Dirk Anthony – Senior Media Executive, specialising in both content and management strategy.

    Dirk Anthony is a recognised leader of people, an innovator of creativity and new cultures, with a sharp profit focus, and a statesman-like ability to deliver a strategic vision for media and consumer-facing businesses.

    Dirk Anthony
    Added on: 04-May-2008

    Futurlec – Electronics and Microcontroller components
    Description: The Electronic Components and Semiconductor Superstore, we carry a large range of electronic components, including integrated circuits, resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors and ic’s by Analog Devices, Microchip, Atmel, Dallas, Intersil and Philips

    This one comes with my personal recomendation:
    Very good pricing. You need to know what you want. Cheap because low overhead so you need to just be patient, but worth it. They do come through.
    Added on: 28-Aug-2008

    Need computer repairs
    Description: Dave is a good mate of mine and a great technician. He has a deterrmination to solve the problem, so if your looking for that, check out his web site.
    Added on: 21-Oct-2006

    The Van Der Linden clan
    Description: The Van Der Linden family is growing. This is thier site on the Internet.
    Added on: 21-Oct-2006

  • Trevor’s Electronics Blog

    Trevor’s Electronics Blog

    Are you interested in Electronics? Or embedded electronics? Or any of the Microchip PIC microcontrollers like the PIC18, PIC24, the dsPIC33 or the latest PIC32? So am I so I’m writing about my adventures with these devices in my blog called Trevor’s Electronics Blog. The drive to do this was my adventure in learning the PIC24 and doing it using the Explorer 16 board. I got a book that uses different chip and board configuration so I’ve added to the book for others the steps needed to run the excersises in the book on the Explorer16.

    Here’s a picture of my Explorer16.

    Microchip Explorer 16 Development Board
    Microchip Explorer 16 Development Board

    Visit Trevor’s Electronics Blog

  • Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree

    Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree

    Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, Gay your life must be!

    It’s a well known Australian folk song but how many have actually seen a Kookaburra. Well here is one for you.

    Kookaburra sitting in old gum tree
    Kookaburra sitting in old gum tree (click to see larger image)
  • Recal of American Currency

    Recal of American Currency

    It looks like the US government has figured out how to get itself out of the financial problems it’s in. Watch the Onion News Network cover as Ronald Schuler, treasury spokesman announces the recal at a press conference.